As you may have noticed recently, as the level of solicitation is so high, the RGPD, which stands for “General Data Protection Regulation”, has been applicable since 25 May 2018.
As this is a regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016) and not a directive, and by virtue of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the provisions of the GDPR are directly enforceable under local law as soon as it comes into force. In other words, all the provisions of the regulation must be applied since 25 May 2018, for all companies, all entrepreneurs, all associations, etc…
EIHF Isofroid implements the necessary means and provisions to comply with these obligations, in accordance with the legislation in force, within the framework of local laws and European regulations.
In the course of our business contacts, we may have collected personal information about you, which is limited to the following information: surname, first name, title, language, job title, business email address, business telephone number and business postal address.
With this message, we would like to assure you that our solicitations are in line with your needs within your company and remind you of your right to object via the links to access your preferences and/or unsubscribe in the footer of our messages.
Beyond the RGPD regulation, we wish, of course, to keep you among the faithful readers of our communication. Therefore, we remain at your disposal for any suggestions and remarks.
For more information on our privacy policy and the use of personal data, please visit our website.
Sincerely yours,
The Isofroid team